Bubble Buzz
Façade installation by Factorr.nl
Creative agency Factorr.nl moved into Katoenhuis as one of its first tenants. Their kick-off project here, “Bubble Buzz” was a façade installation that used the symbolism of bubbles as spaces of comfort and safety to reflect our collective tendency to isolate from uncertainties. First shown at the sister venue, Koelhuis Eindhoven, during Dutch Design Week’23, the installation came to Katoenhuis to highlight different processes happening in the area through the lens of bubbles. Although bubbles create a feeling of safeness within our constructed realities, they can have profound consequences. Think of social bubbles and the real estate bubble, which lead to housing crises and social segregation.
“Bubble Buzz” on the Katoenhuis façade, aimed to raise awareness about the changes that are happening in the surrounding M4H area and the risk of gentrification. The increasingly popular area, built by makers and creatives, is at risk of losing the place that they initially created. “Bubble Buzz” invites passers-by to reflect on their own roles in these processes, and how urban development and societal changes affect their communities.
Factorr.nl is a creative agency bringing complex stories to life in a fun, accessible, and spatial way. Factorr uses space, both physical and virtual, as a medium for engaging multisensory storytelling. They leverage a broad set of disciplines, backgrounds, and skills to inspire, activate, and make changes in people’s hearts and minds through direct experience. Factorr is a catalyst, a maker, and a doer and a proud resident of Katoenhuis.